Build and Improve your credit score with Oolka!

With Oolka’s expert tips, improve your Credit Score, get smarter with your money and borrow better.

Product Intro Image

Check what’s holding you back

  • See what’s lowering your Credit Score
  • Find trends in how you are using credit
  • Check reasons your Credit Score is changing on App
Insights ScreenStatement Screen

Improve your Credit Score Easily

  • Get complete insights from credit lenders and banks
  • Follow the actions in your personalized improvement plan
  • Move closer to your financial goals

Get Credit Builder

  • Get notified of changes impacting your Credit Score
  • Take a structured approach to become a responsible borrower
  • Get access to credit and improve financial standing
Credit Builder Screen

Your Oolka account is backed by

Max Trust

With our transparent processes and trusted partnerships, your financial journey is supported by reliable guidance every step of the way.

Max Security

With our transparent processes and trusted partnerships, your financial journey is supported by reliable guidance every step of the way.

Max Safety

A secure environment ensures your personal and financial data are handled with the utmost care, prioritizing a safe credit-building journey.

Oolka has helped over 1k+ people to achieve their goals